Survive and…
Start Cancer
What is cancer?
Cell proliferation
Makes cancer grow faster
Stops or slows cancer
Kills cancer cells
Apoptosis = The body will kill off cells that are damaged or changed like cancer cells.
Spread of Cancer
What will promote cancer to get blood supplied to it (Angiogenesis)? This helps cancer grow and spread to other parts of the body (metastasize).
Stops or slows spread of cancer
What will slow or stop the cancer from getting blood supplied to it (Anti-angiogenesis)?
REM Sleep (Natural killer cells increase, cancer cells killed) (High fat and sugar, caffeine and alcohol ST. Ange, Michael Redner?) (High tryptophan/serotonin and Melatonin and high Magnesium foods.
A Thriver’s view of Cancer (Don’t just survive…thrive!)
Bitterness, guilt, ACEers,
Love (bunny story)
Ideas for the kinds of cancer